The facilities and research results of the HFT have so far only been visited and perceived by urban society to a limited extent. A participative showcase, new creative spaces and new forms of flexible research and learning promote communication and direct exchange. With internal and external partners. Like this, we are part of the IBA'27 network since 2024.
To enable new participation formats and communicate HFT's expertise to the city and region, construction and structural actions are planned in three areas:
11.01.2023 - 31.12.2027
The project funding of € 3.35 million is co-financed by the European Fund of Regional Development (EFRE), the state of Baden-Württemberg and HFT's own resources.
Everyone - the city community as well as cooperation partners, students, employees and professors. Internals and externals.
Our team currently consists of four project planners, two student assistants and three people at professorial level as project and academic manager resp. coordinator who work closely together on the implementation and realization of the projects.
The tasks are to plan, structure and manage the actions. We also initiate new formats and communication channels. Finally, the research results for the HFT sustainability strategy must be prepared.
You can find us in Building 4, Room 3.07. Feel free to drop by and find out more.
Did our website not answer all your questions? Then simply send an e-mail to:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Elke Sohn, Project Manager,
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Laux, Artistic Manager HFT.Area,
Dr.-Ing. Steffen Wurzbacher, Project Coordinator,
Andrea Buch B.A., Project Planner HFT.Space,, 0711 8926 2615
Dr. Kathrin M. Haag, Project Planner HFT.Area,, 0711 8926 2747
Yonca Inci M.Sc., Project Planner HFT.Venue,, 0711 8926 2382
Lars Roth, Student Assistant corporate identity
Jaqueline Vidmar, Student Assistant model making
Yannik Zelenka M.A., Project Planner HFT.Space,, 0711 8926 2702
Project participants
Sebastian Baier M.A., M.Eng., Lecturer elective subjects Lab.Block, Lab.Block 3+4, Lab.Block 5+6
Sascha Bauer M.A., M.C ., Lecturer elective subjects WoodJoints Reloaded, WoodJoints Reloaded - Pavilion construction
Prof. Jens Betha, Construction 3 - Interior Design Block 4 Dr.-Ing. Heidrun Bögner-Balz, Project I Structural Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heiner Hartmann, Project I Structural Engineering
Daniel Pauli M.Sc., Lecturer elective subjects WoodJoints Reloaded, WoodJoints Reloaded - Pavilion construction
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Heike Rittler, Lecturer elective subject Lab.Hof
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Roth, Faculty Officer Surveying, Computer Science and Mathematics
Prof. arch. mag. Juri Troy, Lecturer elective subject sustainable and circular construction
Abdalrhman Baaj, WoodJoints Reloaded / Alina Aberle, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Jill Abt, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Inara-Manon Alferi, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Pauline Barral Baron, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Maja Leonie Barth, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Laurin Bauer, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Florentina Bauer, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Lisa Bauer, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Eva Berens, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Cosima Bommer, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Lida Borhanian, sustainable and circular construction / Adriana Bräunche, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Ann-Kathrin Brodel, Lab.Hof / Greta Bruchhäuser, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Dilan Cebe, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Lena Cichon, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Johannes Conzelmann, WoodJoints Reloaded / Elzbieta Debinska, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4/ Yanneck Diemer, WoodJoints Reloaded / Lousi Eckstein, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Max Elmlinger, WoodJoints Reloaded / Felicitas Enzler, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Zoe Filitz, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Katja Fischer, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Sven Fischer, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Ines Förnbacher, WoodJoints Reloaded, WoodJoints Reloaded-Pavilion / Christoph Geier, Lab.Block, Lab.Block 3+4, Lab.Block 5+6 / Sina Gscheidle, Lab.Hof / Frederick Häberle, WoodJoints Reloaded / Annemarie Haller, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Dilara Hamzakadi, Lab.Block 5+6 / Kimberly Handt, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Nina Hartung, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Amelie Hasert, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Alexander Heide, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Alona Held, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Johanna Hermann, WoodJoints Reloaded, WoodJoints Reloaded-Pavilion / Philipp Hess, WoodJoints Reloaded / Sina Hörenz, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Elisa Holberg, WoodJoints Reloaded / Lina Holland, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Noah Holzapfel, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Jana Hopfenzitz, WoodJoints Reloaded, WoodJoints Reloaded-Pavilion / Marie Jähnisch, Lab.Block 5+6 / Jonas Jehle, sustainable and circular construction / Manuela Jesinger, Lab.Hof / Julius Kammer, Lab.Block 5+6 / Johanna Knop, Lab.Block 5+6 / Daniel Köhler, WoodJoints Reloaded / Julian Kopp, Lab.Block, Lab.Block 3+4, Lab.Block 5+6 / Lousia Jurtschak, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Jana Lea Kraus, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Luca Kriz, WoodJoints Reloaded / Lena Kupferschmid, Lab.Hof / Anika Leutiger, WoodJoints Reloaded / Elise Lienau, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Lisa Limbach, WoodJoints Reloaded / Tobias Ludwig, WoodJoints Reloaded / Valerie Mies, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Nicole Moser, WoodJoints Reloaded, WoodJoints Reloaded-Pavilion / Celine Müller, Lab.Block, Lab.Block 3+4, Lab.Block 5+6 / Milena Mutz, sustainable and circular construction, Lab.Block, Lab.Block 3+4 / Lukas Nemesch, WoodJoints Reloaded, WoodJoints Reloaded-Pavilion / Bernhard Neuwirth, WoodJoints Reloaded, WoodJoints Reloaded-Pavilion / Isabella Obregon, WoodJoints Reloaded / Ümmü Özdemir, Lab.Hof / Hannes Ohorn, Lab.Block 5+6 / Janice Owczarek, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Lena Pelzer, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Tim Pfaff, sustainable and circular construction, Lab.Block, Lab.Block 3+4 / Anne Pfeil, WoodJoints Reloaded / Quynh-Lan Pham, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Julia Reichert, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Sarah Reiner, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Jan Richter, WoodJoints Reloaded, WoodJoints Reloaded-Pavilion / Julia Riedel, WoodJoints Reloaded / Aurelia Röttgers, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Felicia Rudolph, WoodJoints Reloaded / Simon Sachse, sustainable and circular construction, Lab.Block, Lab.Block 3+4 / Lea Schlichter, Lab.Block 5+6 / Annalena Schneider, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Selina Schramm, Lab.Block 5+6 / Paul Schroth, sustainable and circular construction, Lab.Block, Lab.Block 3+4 / Max Schuh, WoodJoints Reloaded / Sofia Schultz, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Sarah Schuster, Lab.Hof / Yasmin Schwarzer, sustainable and circular construction / Sina, Schwiegelshon, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Alexis Sekoll, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Leni Staudenmaier, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Maximilian Stein, WoodJoints Reloaded, WoodJoints Reloaded-Pavilion / Micha Stephan, Lab.Block 5+6 / Melina Stocker, WoodJoints Reloaded / Sara Stöhr, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Eric Stoye, WoodJoints Reloaded, WoodJoints Reloaded-Pavilion / Fabio Sulz, WoodJoints Reloaded / Katia Tahhan, Lab.Block 5+6 / Constantin Thöne, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Ezgi Toprak, WoodJoints Reloaded, WoodJoints Reloaded-Pavilion / Joanna Un, Lab.Block 5+6 / Anastassia Vaintraub, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Anna Veeser, Lab.Hof / Alina Veit, sustainable and circular construction / Nia Viertel, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Henning Vogel, sustainable and circular construction, Lab.Block, Lab.Block 3+4 / Katalina Vrkic, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Viet Mai Nhi Vu, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Marie Wagner, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Alina Wangler, WoodJoints Reloaded / Tabea Warth, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Tom Weber, WoodJoints Reloaded, WoodJoints Reloaded-Pavilion / Maxine Weisskopf, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Sophie Wiefel, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Jakob Wetzel, WoodJoints Reloaded, WoodJoints Reloaded-Pavilion / Johanna Wiedmann, sustainable and circular construction / Clemens Wilhelm, Lab.Block 5+6 / Sophia Wolf, Lab.Hof, Lab.Block 3+4 / Valentin Wolf, Lab.Block 5+6 / Angela Yaneva, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4 / Halit Yalcin, WoodJoints Reloaded, WoodJoints Reloaded-Pavilion / Timur Yelkenkayalar, sustainable and circular construction / Mailin Zoldan, 3CO-Interior Design Block 4