Luftbild von Bau 1 und 3 und Innenhof mit rotem Space-Logo darüber
HFT.Lab – Innovations-Labor an der HFT Stuttgart / HFT.Space


A unique experimental space is being created here, in which innovations in future-oriented planning and sustainable construction can be researched using temporary, real prototypes.

The prototypes are developed and built in teaching and research projects. Previous research results as well as new processes, materials and methods are proved in practice. New forms of use are implemented. New technologies, construction and production methods are tested.


  • Realization of temporary, future-oriented, innovative, prototypical experimental buildings as research and demonstration objects
  • Application of new planning methods, construction principles, materials, (digital) technologies, climate-friendly design, smart home technology, AI
  • Transferring research results into real-life applications
  • Redesign of the inner courtyard including deep courtyards and footbridge
  • Increasing the quality of stay and green area
  • Showcase for exchange between science, business and the public

Latest news

In the winter semester 2023/24, three seminars/electives dealt with these topics. In "Lab.Hof", Heike Rittler worked with students to develop usage and design concepts for the courtyard, in "Lab.Block" a group of students with Sebastian Baier went into the details of certain building elements susch as the wooden frame or connection point and Prof. Heiner Hartmann determined statics and connections with his students.

In the elective subjects “Lab.Block 3+4” and “Lab.Block 5+6” in the summer and winter semester with Sebastian Baier and his students, an innovative solution for the roof construction of the new “Block 4” was developed and the work plannung was completed. Also in the winter semester 2024/25, Bachelor's students developed drafts for the interior design of “Block 4” in a construction seminar with Prof. Jens Betha. 

In “WoodJoints Reloaded” and “WoodJoints Reloaded - Pavilion Construktion”, led by Sascha Bauer and Daniel Pauli, over 30 students explored wooden connections and built a jointly developed wooden pavilion in the inner courtyard in summer 2024. The aim was to transfer traditional wood joints to the present day using digital tools. 

Block 4: The design "Framing" by Martin Abt, Johannes Dunke and Dominik Schall was created in the summer semester 2021 as part of the elective course "building with natural materials" supervised by Prof. Jury Troy. It was the winner of the student competition "Redesign Block 4" organized by the association Freunde der HFT Stuttgart e.V. and the university.

During implementation, the focus is on the use of renewable raw materials, a circular construction and the planning and partial realization in moderated and supervised student self-construction.

The timber frame construction with elementary components is largely made of calamity material (beetle wood) as well as glue-free and mono-material. Preparatory work for the construction is currently being carried out by a carpentry firm. The modular, completely deconstructable timber construction will be completed in spring 2025, after which “Block 4” will be fitted with a membrane roof made from reusable materials. The interior work should also be completed by summer 2025


A real laboratory for future-oriented planning and construction with innovative prototypes is being created. These will be developed in teaching and research projects - even beyond the execution period.

The inner courtyard will be an attractive, informative and lively place to stay for everyone.