Ansicht Lichthof in Bau 1 mit rotem Venue-Logo darüber
HFT.Lab – Innovations-Labor an der HFT Stuttgart / HFT.Venue


The first floor of the landmarked main building is to be given a contemporary, open, flexible and variable useable spatial structure. This will enable new forms of use and rapid adaptation to changing requirements.

A stronger opening and connection to both the city garden (Stadtgarten) and the inner courtyard between Buildings 1 and 3 is to be created. The new space for meetings, events and exhibitions also provides a spatial and programmatic link to the HFT.Space.


  • Creation of an inviting, modern meeting place
  • Design of an open, flexible useable event area
  • Redesign of the cafeteria and the dining area
  • Redesign of the study space for student work
  • Improving accessibility, clarity and room acoustics
  • Design and construction of modular furniture
  • Stronger connection to “Stadtgarten” and inner courtyard
  • Multi-purpose use of the atriums for different event formats
  • New visual communication elements

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Before the first floor zone can be restructured, preparatory actions are required to upgrade the fire protection, electrical and data lines.

Meanwhile, a predesign was drawn up in 2023 and presented to the public in spring 2024. This predesign provided for extensive modernization and conversion measures, including an outdoor terrace. In addition to an attractive passageway from the “Stadtgarten” to the inner courtyard (HFT.Space), the concept included fundamental innovations in media and equipment technology, quality of stay, furnishings, room acoustics, lighting and catering.

Further design variants followed over the course of the year due to various framework conditions. The specialist planners were commissioned in the summer so that work phase 3 (according to "HOAI", the german fee schedule for architeccts and engenieers) could be completed at the end of 2024. The current design is limited spatially to measures in the atriums, the passage and the cafeteria. The planned media technology and the room-specific lighting concept cannot be realized.

The cafeteria is being renovated and modernized. The floor-to-ceiling glass surfaces surrounding it will become projection surfaces for university information. During events, light installations will shine out into the adjoining rooms. The glass enclosure with its central position on the first floor will thus become a source of information and atmosphere - the atmospheric heart of the main building.

Flexible and modular furnishings in both atriums will enable various event scenarios. The atrium next to the cafeteria will remain accessible for breaks and student work during university hours. In the evenings and at weekends, various event formats such as vernissages, exhibitions and information days can be held both here and in the northern atrium. 


The aim is to create a modern, open meeting and event location with an attractive cafeteria and dining area, study space and modular furnishings for various exchange and communication formats.